
Side Wall Consistency and Refinement

With the platform complete, our attention turned to the side walls.  The first task was to affix them to each other and, using a special flush trim bit, trim them to each other to assure a consistent profile curve.  

To accomplish this we screwed the two sides to each other.  I used a bit from Rockler, that is a 2" long, 1/2" shank carbide cutter with both top and bottom bearings of differing diameters, to trim the top side to the bottom side (where the top side extended beyond the bottom with a bottom bearing the same size as the cutter.)  Next, we flipped the assembly and repeated the process.

Next we removed the starboard side and left the port side on the table.  We added some cleats aft for the galley counter top:

Next we added some cleats forward for the electrical cavity.  Part of this task for the port side was to accommodate the shore power connector.

The mark above is the centerline of the shore power connector.  A reference hole has been driven through the inside plywood to indicate the center position of the connector for future reference.
After all such details are located we will flip the side and rout open the door and window, prepare the side to receive the oak rib yoke assembly, and pre-drill the holes through the sills for the screws that will attach the sides to the platform.


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