

We didn't accomplish much today for various reasons (my own) but we did manage to prop one of the sides up on the trailer.  Looky here:

Now, technically you're seeing the inside of the right side wall propped on the left side of the trailer, and it isn't perfectly positioned because we haven't yet trimmed the rear of the rib, and the door and window haven't been cut out, but you get the idea.

This was a really cool experience for us, and it validated the overall design "look and feel."  I just love this shape!

Our next steps are to erect a shelter under which the trailer will be positioned, wheels off, set on low blocks so as to lower the overall working height.  Then we will build the platform (represented in the above photo by the single 2x6 visible under the wall), the galley structure, and the header/yoke for the inner ribs, then assemble the above and the inner ribs and other structural components.

Here are some additional views:



Gary.Dierking said...

Very sweet profile!

Unknown said...

Thank you, Gary. I spent a lot of time on it, and settled on portions of two ellipses to form a constantly curving edge. I thought I had a post on this, but I see that I do not. Perhaps I'll fill that void!