
Update on Second Day of Summer

Yesterday was the Solstice in both hemispheres.  For us in the Northern Hemisphere it marks the beginning of summer.  Today, the days are getting shorter already.  It is a slippery slope toward winter.



1) We have the stainless steel brackets from the local welder and the stainless steel studs with ball heads for the struts.  Tomorrow I will begin fabrication of the mounting blocks.

2) The two drawers - the  cooler tray and the stove drawer - are complete and the faces lacquered.

3) I fabricated and glued up the speaker boxes that will mount under the hatch.  The radio/CD/MP3 unit that will mount inside the cabin will have two sets of speakers - one inside the cabin, one under the hatch - with switches to control which set of speakers is live.  Tomorrow these will be sanded and finished.

4) Wiring.  There is a lot of wiring, and Sean has been steadily progressing.

5) Counter top.  I want a stainless steel counter, but we decided that the local welding shop / fabricator we had make the hatch brackets probably isn't up to the job, so for the time being we will make the cutout for the sink and the hole for the faucet, and I will apply finish urethane to the counter, enabling finished plumbing and wiring in the area.

6) Under the cabinets inside the cabin will be two strips of LED lights.  The idea is that one or both strips can be on, providing indirect lighting.  I have fabricated and finished a strip of wood to which the adhesive-backed strips will mount.  This piece of wood will then be attached under the cabinets and the lights wired.

More, including pics, to come as appropriate.


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