
Post-Sandy Post

The good news is that we all survived Sandy in relatively good condition.  Sean never lost power, but we lost it here on Monday afternoon and got it back Thursday afternoon.

We made a good decision to remove the covering from the "party tent" over the teardrop and wrap the teardrop with a tarp.  Meanwhile, the tent is back up and the tarp removed.

It will take some time getting back into the swing of things.  Today we spent the day repairing a section of my home that had its covering blown away, and rebuilding a gutter that was blown off.  There is a small amount of work remaining tomorrow to rehang the gutter.

Meanwhile, I did manage to capture this image this morning on the Branford River in Branford, CT, USA:

This adult bald eagle has been around for some time, and today a juvenile bald eagle was also in the neighborhood.  This must be the parent, as they were sitting on the same limb at one point.

Not too long ago it was a rarity to have a nesting pair of ospreys on the various nests in the area.  Today, the plentiful ospreys have rebounded quite well, and now are competing with a superior predator for territory.

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