
"We're Walking!"

Yesterday, Sean and I took a drive up to Ross Hill Park in Lisbon, CT, where the NE Chapter of the Tear Jerkers were having an annual outing.  It was a chance to meet some of the fine people involved, and to see a range of other homebuilts and steal some ideas.

We arrived just before the "trailer crawl" which involves the assembled campers moving from one trailer to the next.  The owner of the trailer is asked to give a brief spiel, and the campers are free to inspect the camper, er, trailer, usually inside and out.

I paid particular attention to galley treatments and other details.  I was surprised at the number of the trailers that were air conditioned, and the ingenuity involved.  If you've been following this blog, you might have noticed no mention of A/C.  For now, I'm sticking to that, although I will admit that camping at Ross Hill this weekend, I would have been sticking to just about everything, given the humidity involved.

The title of the post is a reference to the call to action used to get the assembled crowd moving, together, in a pre-determined direction.  However, as we proceeded, order broke down, and people might have been gathered around four, five or six different trailers at the same time.  That was only to be expected from a group of independent-minded souls having a good time!  After all, the Tear Jerkers' motto is "Life moves a little slower on Teardrop time."

I'd like to thank Todd, founder of Tear Jerkers, and all the chapter admins who welcomed us openly, and especially Nancy, the New England chapter's social director, for encouraging us to visit.

Here is a link to the Tear Jerkers home page:


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